Saturday, December 15, 2007

Burger with a spoon

Friday was a great day. I was invited to a Mexican wedding, where my good friend Israel got married to his beautiful Alisha. It was just so great to be there, and taking part in the start of their life as a family.
Even though things were allot different from the typical Norwegian wedding that I'm used to, i really liked it. It was an outside wedding at a beautiful location, and even though the weather weren't the best, it still was great. The ceremony, even though it was in Spanish, with an interpreter was lovely, with some nice traditions to the vows were great.(here you can see a combination of my "limited" vocabulary, and my lack of ability to give t full credit by describing it. The people that was there know what I'm talking about.

Yesterday, Saturday, we started the day off early with driving to the church to pick up some bags with food for the poor people. Mexico is not a country with a strong middle class when it comes to economy. there is a middle class, but compared to most of the western-European countries it is not dominating. In Mexico the people are either filthy rich, or really poor. the contrasts are huge. for those of you that have seen the film i posted on youtube, you can see how the really poor people live. all the poor people are not that bad though, but still.
For those of you that haven't seen my video here is a link. <->
Well we were handing out food-bags for the poor people now that the holidays are closing in pretty fast, and money often goes away in presents. And even though we were out there handing out food, we were invited for a small lunch at one the houses. She came out to us and gave us Tamales, a typical traditional Native American food consisting of steam-cooked corn meal dough with or without a filling. This had a filling of some meat, vegetables and chili. The people I'm living with was surprised to see that i actually liked it, but I got to say that it was really good. So after handing all those bags of food out, my stomach weren't the only part of me that was happy. I felt really good about being allowed to take part in helping those lesser fortunate. It gave me a really good feeling inside.

Every Saturday the church has a Christmas play in some part of the city, usually a poorer part, where they share the gospel, and also pick some random families and give them this HUGE basket full of food. Even though i didn't understand allot of the play, it was great to see them all in action, and see what they have prepared and rehearsed many times

Well, some of you reading this blog would probably wonder what the headline is all about in this post, and I thought I should explain that last, just to keep your curiosity through this long post. Well, it is a Mexican food called Torta ahogada literally translates "drowned sandwich". it is in a way a hamburger that you drown in a tomato/chili sauce, and eat it with a spoon. Yet again i surprised the people I am visiting by actually enjoying the meal. And if you wanna know more about both Tamales and Torta Ahogada, you can easily look it up on the Internet, and i recommend wikipedia.

Well, now its soon time for breakfast and then church.

So, have a nice day, and if u get the opportunity, dont be afraid to try something new.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! såg filmen og utrulig spennende og hørre!
Er så bra arbeid! Får meg til å tenke enda meir på at med Gud er ingenting umulig, eg skal prøve og hjelpe til med og samle inn penger til prosjektet i mexico.
kos deg magnus!