Friday, April 18, 2008

getting close now

We just finished lecture phase on the DTS, and are going on outreach now soon.
actually its on Monday at noon. we are flying out from Mexico, and to Indonesia.

We will be staying there for two months. so exciting.
After that I also have to decide whether to be staying in Mexico longer, or if I'm going back home to Norway.

I know I've got a lot of people that wants me back to Norway, and I know that I'm beginning to miss a lot now, so I got to go back to God and figure out where his plan for me is, for that is ultimately the best place for me to be.

I think he might be wanting me here for some time, and after that who knows. God keeps on reminding me on China, so who knows, maybe doing my university in China and learning Mandarin, or even just get straight in to work there, if that is possible.

So please keep me in prayer.

might be hard for me to post stuff in Indonesia, because the government is spying on everything on the Internet there.

But if I can, I will keep you updated

God bless.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Wow, time is flying by

Has already been a couple of more weeks and a lot of amazing stuff is happening.

Specially seeing how people are getting their money in for their outreaches.

Just last week (which was a crucial week, because we had to pay in for our tickets that week)
we saw more then $ 5.000 coming in to different people.

will not go into a lot of details, but it is so amazing to see how God works.

now we are in Mexico City, and its really great to be here.

the trip here was LONG though, 16 hrs from Mazatlan to here, and as well, the room was freezing. down to 10 degrees C at night.

Now spent a day here around the host church, and today we were scouting out the central of Mexico City.

the shopping center around here has a "fun center" and in there is a place to play paintball.
we might be going there some day.

Departure to Indonesia is also getting closer, and it is exciting.

around 20 days until we leave. CRAZY.

Well, that was all from me for now.

Has some limited Internet connection down here.

Still need a lot of prayers and money for this summer and upcoming year here in Mexico.

Love you all.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Been way to long, and I'm really sorry.

I should have updated this page ages ago, and i know that allot of people have been asking my family for me to update it.

So much have happened down here in Mexico, and i haven't really taken the time to do this.
I just haven't taken the time.
I have weekly updated my mom though, but have in some ways forgot about my blog.

Well, now I'm at least trying to write a short summary of things that have happened.

Well this is now my 6th week of lectures here at the school, and we have also as well had Carnival down here. for almost 2 weeks, so allot to do.

Well, first week of lectures, the topic was "The Father Heart of God", and was really amazing. i got to deal with different issues that has affected my life, even without me knowing it.
My image of God before this week was in many ways all wrong, often affected by people in my life, or my own thoughts.
well, that just started to get fixed that week, and God is still working on that in me. he also started working allot of other issues in my life, dealing with some addictions.

Second week was "Hearing the Voice of God", and i got some crazy stuff that week. Got some stuff to do in my future, and as well got God to really tell me, and assure me where to go on my outreach.
I will tell more about the crazy stuff about my future later on.
Well, anyways this week i really experienced how God has been talking to me all along, even though i haven't really recognised it as Him speaking to me. Also i got improved my friendship relationship with God, as well as my way of talking and hearing from Him.

Third week was "The Character and Nature of God", really showing me even more about how he acts towards me, and how he feels about me. Also breaking down allot that the world tells me about what God is. Really helped me working further with allot from the first week with my wrong image of God.

Fourth and Fifth week was Carnival, and this is really not the way we have it in Norway, with people dressing up for a day. This was Crazy. a week long party withallot of " Carne" witch means Flesh, but was really good as well. got to see at least 1000 people turning to Christ.
really tired after thees two weeks though.

Well, back to lectures, and Fourth week was about "Relationships" this was probably the topic where i was most messed up. But through God i really got broken allot of my issues and ways that the devil were working in me. Frightening to learn about how we tie up our soul to other people, but really great to go through, and also to break them.Got free from a lot of stuff i have struggled with for years.

Fifth week of lectures was "Freedom in Christ". I have really been set free from stuff that has been binding me up for several years. the way i look at myself, and think others look at me. i now really know that through God i am set free from all thees things. They also talked about the way the World really discriminate women, and how, from a biblical point this is very wrong. even what a lot of churches do is wrong.

This week, just started, is about "Evangelism" and it is really exciting. Getting to know reasons we give our self not to evangelise, and why we can be unsuccessful, and also stuff that prevent us from evangelise. GREAT stuff. and as well, the teacher has a great prophetic gift, and he has confirmed some stuff in my life, and really encouraged me.

Well, back to what i got from God in the second week, and been getting stuff from time to time ever since.

I know that God is calling me to go to China and evangelise during the Olympics this summer, and this is really scary, but at the same time exciting. As i for as long as i can remember has had a passion for Asia, and especially China, i think it is really great that this is a place God is calling me to.

another thing is more then just 2 weeks of my life. I feel that God wants me to stay back here in Mexico for the following year, to do at least one year of staff here at the school and also do a "BLS - Basic Leadership School" here on base.

This is also exciting, but scary. i don't have any money for this, and i need a total of around $ 9.000 to pay for the trip to China, and the living costs here at the school as well as the BLS.
the reason why i am writing this here is that i would actually beg for money :P

If you wanna support me monthly, that would be GREAT,
If you wanna support me with a one time offering, that is GREAT

Please send me an email on how much you wanna give me to my email:

Thank you so much, it is really needed :D

Sunday, January 13, 2008

my new-found hidden talent

I Know it has been a while since i last posted. alot of things have happened. School has started, and ive learned alot of stuff.
This post will probably disapoint you, as i will not tell you guys any of it. just be patient.
I just wanna share my new-found hobby. Spray-painting.
Started up recently, and never done it before, i bought myself some cans of paint, some paper and gave it a go. This is my 8th attempt on a picture, and to be that early, i really think it is great. Looks abit weird here on the computer, but in real life its really good. I will continue this hobby as long as i can afford paint. hopefully i will trade some of my paintings to my fellow students for cans of paint, so i can maybe keep myself going just by that.
Well, i will post some more pictures later, and tell you about other stuff happening.
PLEASE coment about the picture.
again i urge you all to try something new. maybe you will find an undiscovered hidden artistic talent.